RMS Honors Veterans for Veterans Day 2023

Rosemary Middle School spent Thursday and Friday honoring local veterans. On Thursday November 9, 2023, students invited veterans in their lives to enjoy lunch in our cafeteria. 

veterans lunch veterans lunch veterans lunch

veterans lunch veterans lunch

Rosemary also presented gift baskets to our own staff members who have served in the military. From left to right: Mr. Clarence Mitchell, current instructional assistant in 6th grade, served in the Navy from 2005-2012; Mr. Kenneth Funnie, current ISS/Behavioral & Academic assistant, served in the Army from 1983-1987. (Not pictured: Ms. Erika Grausso, current 6th grade teacher, served in the Navy from 2010-2014.)

Mr. Mitchell veteran       Mr. Funnie veteran

Friday, November 10, RMS presented this video to recognize our staff, family, and community members who are serving or have served. 

RMS Honors Veterans Day 2023 by Mary Syler

For Veterans Day 2023, we simply say thank you. Whether you're near or far, retired or still serving, we salute you and your families for the sacrifices you have made to serve our country.