Exploring Energy Flow through Food Chains at PHESA!
To answer the essential question for our second nine weeks showcase, students are diving deep into understanding how energy flows through food chains and ecosystems. Ms. Adams and Ms. Dee led an exciting investigation, helping students grasp how energy moves through a food chain—from producers to consumers and beyond.
This investigation wasn’t just about science—it required interdisciplinary learning across reading, math, and social studies, using a Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach. Students developed their soft skills, analyzed data, and drew conclusions, showing just how energy impacts the balance of ecosystems.
Our students are growing as critical thinkers and preparing for their showcase with a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience!
#EnergyFlow #FoodChains #InterdisciplinaryLearning #SoftSkills #CriticalThinking #HandsOnLearning #PBL #PHESAfamily #ExcellenceInAction #CollegeAndCareerReady #PHESArigor #Cultivatinglearning #phesafamily