Georgetown County School District students impressed judges as they pitched their business ideas during the twenty-second annual Junior Shark Tank held June 12 – June 15 at Georgetown Middle School.
Mr. Bob Checkaneck, in collaboration with GCSD, offers this program each year to students ages 13-16. The program embraces the opportunity to challenge the critical thinking of students to think “unconventionally” and become innovative entrepreneurs using “problem-based learning” as the focus. It embraces all that Georgetown County expects from its students: writing skills, critical thinking skills, math skills, work skills, research skills, and college and career-focused individuals.
Fifteen students participated in this year’s program. In an effort to reinforce the importance of teamwork to the success of a company, students were split into four teams based on differences identified by a skills and personality inventory administered on the first day of the program. This year’s participants demonstrated amazing skill sets in the areas of planning, thinking, and problem solving. With much enthusiasm, teams developed their own competitive business plans and planned a presentation meant to wow the judges. Most importantly, they had fun and learned a lot from the experience!
The four business plans – “Pellucid Pores,” “Inspiring Education,” “Locked ‘N Corp,” and “Breeze” - were pitched to judges during the final session of this year’s program. Similar to the television show, Shark Tank, team presentations were judged by a panel of business sharks. Serving as Sharks for this year’s program were: Mr. Jack McManus - CEO of Promotional Outfitters, and President of Georgetown Business Association; Mr. Ray Funnye - CEO of Village People and Georgetown County, Director of Public Services; and Dr. Tracy Bailey - Founder and Executive Director of Freedom Readers, and CEO of Boys and Girls Club of Grand Strand.
“We are very proud of all of the students who participated in this year’s program,” shared Dr. Bethany Giles, Assistant Superintendent for Academics and Students Services. “Each team presented unique and well thought-out ideas. They responded in a professional manner to the judges challenging follow-up questions. Their hard work over this week was very evident.”
Following a period of deliberations, the Sharks named “Breeze” as the 2023 Junior Shark Tank winning business plan. Presented by Christian Garrett, Slayton Bird, and Charlie Paris, “Breeze” focused on eco-friendly automobiles with specific emphasis on power supplied by renewable resources.
Congratulations on another outstanding season of Junior Shark Tank!
Team "Locked N' Corp"

Team "Pellucid Pores"

Team "Inspiring Education"