Carvers Bay Early College & Career High School, Waccamaw High School, and Rosemary Middle School will have principal openings for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, and we want to hear from you! Join us for Community Listening Sessions in each of the impacted attendance zones – Carvers Bay, Waccamaw, and Andrews. Your input is invaluable, and we want to hear from you as we create a profile of what the community seeks in the next principal at each location. SAVE THE DATES * The Carvers Bay community is invited to participate in a Community Listening Session on Thursday, January 25, 2024, in the Carvers Bay High auditorium from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. * The Waccamaw community is invited to participate in a Community Listening Session on Monday, January 29, 2024, in the Waccamaw High auditorium from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. * The Andrews community is invited to participate in a Community Listening Session on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, in the Rosemary Middle auditorium from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Come share your thoughts and ideas as we work together to make a positive impact on the future of education in Georgetown County. See you there!
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
Carvers Bay Community Listening Session flyer
Waccamaw Community Listening Session flyer
Rosemary Middle (Andrews) Community Listening Session flyer
Happy School Board Appreciation Month! During the January 16, 2024, GCSD Board Meeting, the air was filled with appreciation and respect for our board members. The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, school administrators, and district administration acknowledged the Board's dedication to educational excellence. The collaboration between the Board, administrators, educators, and the community are a testament to the Board’s collective commitment to providing the best educational environment for our students. During the meeting, the Board also signed the Ethical Principles Pledge exemplifying their commitment to high standards of integrity and ethical conduct and their dedication to the welfare and success of every student in our district. GCSD extends our heartfelt gratitude and recognition to the dedicated members of the Georgetown County School District's Board of Trustees. Board members are: Patti Hammel, District 1; Scott DuBose, District 2; Sandra Johnson, Parliamentarian, District 3; Randy Walker, District 4; Bill Gaskins, Chair, District 5; Lynne B. Ford, Vice Chair, District 6; Keith Moore, District 7; Kathy Anderson, Secretary, At-Large; and Robert Cox, At-Large. Thank you for your service, your vision, and your unwavering dedication to our community's future. Here's to another year of excellence and achievements! #GCSD #HardWorkPaysOff #SchoolBoardAppreciationMonth #SCSBA
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
GCSD's Board of Trustees
GCSD 8th graders attended the Pathways2Possibilities South Carolina (P2PSC) Career Expo 2024 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Thursday, January 11. The expo, presented by the Francis P. Bunnelle Foundation, provided an opportunity for students to interact with business and industry professionals from the 19 career pathways. While engaged in hands-on activities, students learned more about the job specific training and education requirements for each pathway.
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
GCSD 8th grade students at P2P
All GCSD schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 15 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, January 15.  All schools and offices will be closed.
The GCSD Magnet Programs application window for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. The application window will close at 5 p.m. on February 15, 2024. To apply to attend any of the programs, visit To learn more about the GCSD Magnet Programs or to learn where to attend a Student Showcase, visit
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
GCSD Magnet Programs Important Dates
Update for Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Georgetown County School District will operate on a two-hour delay for all students and employees on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Buses will also operate on a two-hour delay. The latest weather forecast indicates that the most intense portion of today’s storm will pass through our area between 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. In an abundance of caution, GCSD will operate on a two-hour delay tomorrow, January 10, 2024, to allow time for the District’s Maintenance and Safety & Risk Management Departments to inspect schools, facilities, and bus routes.
11 months ago, Georgetown County School District
You are invited to attend Magnet School Family Night on Thursday, January 11, 2024 at J. B. Beck Administration and Education Building. Please drop- in anytime between 5:00-6:30 PM to talk with school staff about our magnet programs offerings for the 2024-2025 school year! This event kicks off our Magnet selection month! If you are interested in your K-12 student attending one of our magnet schools next year, you will have the opportunity to apply between January 11, 2024- February 15, 2024 and May 3, 2024- May 17, 2024. We will also be able to assist you with the online application during the Magnet School Family Night on January 11th. We look forward to sharing more information about our magnet programs on Thursday, January 11, 2024 5:00-6:30 PM at J. B. Beck!
12 months ago, Georgetown County School District
GCSD Magnet Fair - Thursday, January 11 at Beck
All GCSD schools and offices will be closed December 25, 2023 – January 5, 2024 for Winter Break. Please note these important dates: * Thursday, December 21 - Half-Day for students; End of Second Nine Weeks and First Semester * Friday, December 22 - Teacher Preparation Day (No school for students) * Monday, January 8 – Teacher Preparation Day (No school for students) * Tuesday, January 9 - School resumes for students; Start of Second Semester and Third Nine Weeks
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
Winter Break December 25, 2023 - January 5, 2024.  Students return to school on January 9, 2024.
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison Sampit Elementary was this week’s stop for #GCSDReads. Students were encouraged to celebrate the wonders that books unfold and to find joy in reading! #GCSDReads #GCSD #hardworkpaysoff
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
Mrs. Smith and SES students
Dr. Giles reads to SES students
Superintendent Price and SES students
Dr. Giles and SES students.
Superintendent Price and SES students
Mrs. Smith reads to SES students
Superintendent Price reads to SES students
Mrs. Smith and SES students
Dr. Giles and SES students.
"Reading is the key that unlocks the treasure chest of knowledge and fuels the flames of imagination. For students, a love of reading is not just a skill; it's a lifelong companion on the journey of learning and self-discovery." - Author Unknown #GCSDReads visited classrooms – Mrs. Black, Mrs. Dozier, Mrs. Proctor, and Mrs. Toemmes - at Kensington Elementary on Wednesday, December 6. Dr. Giles and Superintendent Price shared their favorite books with students (and had a chance to take some silly photos). #GCSDReads #hardworkpaysoff #GCSD
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
KES students pose with Superintendent Price
KES students pose with Dr. Giles
KES students pose with Superintendent Price
KES students pose with Dr. Giles
KES students pose with Superintendent Price
KES students pose with Dr. Giles
KES students pose with Superintendent Price
KES students pose with Dr. Giles
KES students read with Superintendent Price
KES students read with Dr. Giles
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Georgetown County School District Names Alan Walters as Chief Operations Officer GEORGETOWN, [December 7, 2023] – Alan Walters was named Chief Operations Officer (COO) for Georgetown County School District (GCSD) at the December 5 meeting of the GCSD Board of Trustees. Currently serving as the Executive Director of Safety and Risk Management, Walters brings years of experience and a proven track record of leadership to his new role as COO. In his expanded capacity, Walters will be responsible for overseeing and evaluating the administration of key departments - Safety & Risk Management, Transportation, and Facilities - critical to the effective delivery of services to schools, departments, and the community. “Mr. Walters brings a wealth of experience, from his previous role within our school district, in working across these areas. He is a thorough and dependable leader who has advanced GCSD in many ways,” shared Superintendent Keith Price. “I look forward to working with Mr. Walters in this expanded role as we continue in our efforts to serve our students, employees, families and the communities of Georgetown County.” As COO, Walters will play a pivotal role in facilities. In addition to working with the Director of Facilities, he will oversee financial planning and budgeting for the implementation of facility and operations master plans. His responsibilities extend to preparing applications for state and other funding agencies and initiating facility construction, upgrades, and repair projects, all of which contribute to the overall enhancement of GCSD’s infrastructure. In the realm of transportation, Walters will assist the Director of Transportation in effectively communicating procedures and regulations to the public and staff. Additionally, he will play a central role in identifying and implementing improvements to transportation services and efficiency. Walters will actively contribute to accident and incident investigations, working closely with Area Route Coordinators to ensure the safety and security of all transportation-related activities. In addition to his new role as COO, Walters serves as a member of the South Carolina State Board of Education, which he chaired in 2022. He has served on several state education task forces including teacher recruitment and retention, school safety, and discipline. Walters’ recognitions include being named Campus Safety Magazine’s National K-12 Director of the Year, and he was also the South Carolina Public Risk Managers Association (SCPRIMA) State Risk Professional of the Year in 2017. He was awarded the State District Level Administrator of the Year by the SC Association of School Administrators (SCASA) in 2021. The Georgetown County School District is confident that Walters' extensive background in safety, risk management, and operations will greatly benefit the district in his new role as Chief Operations Officer.
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
Alan Walters
2023 Hard Work Pays Off Bonus Approved During the December 5 Board of Trustees meeting, the Board voted to approve the Hard Work Pays Off Bonus presented by Chief Financial Officer, Lisa Johnson. The Hard Work Pays Off Bonus includes: * A one-time $1,000 bonus for eligible full-time contract employees. * A one-time $500 bonus for temporary and part-time employees paid from a timesheet. Employees must have worked an average of 20 hours per week between August 15, 2023, and October 15, 2023. * Employees must have begun working by September 6, 2023, and must be actively employed on December 1, 2023 to be eligible. * The Hard Work Pays Off bonus will be directly deposited on December 12 and will be in addition to the payroll checks issued on December 15 and 19. The cost of the one-time Hard Work Pays Off bonus is estimated to not exceed $1.8 million in costs, which includes related fringe benefits and will be funded from the savings that were realized from the 2022-23 General Fund Operating Revenue Budget. #GCSD #hardworkpaysoff
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
“Growing the Gr.E.En.” in GCSD This week GCSD recognized and celebrated schools for their 22-23 School Report Card rating and/or growth during the 2022-2023 school year. EXCELLENT RATING – Pleasant Hill Elementary STREAM Academy; Waccamaw Middle School; and Waccamaw High School GOOD RATING – Kensington Elementary and Waccamaw Intermediate IMPROVED TWO LEVELS – Rosemary Middle and Waccamaw Middle IMPROVED ONE LEVEL – Pleasant Hill Elementary STREAM Academy; Carvers Bay High School; and Waccamaw High School Let's take a moment to applaud each student's commitment, the dedication of our educators, and the support from families. To learn more about or to view the 22-23 School Report Cards, visit Great job and keep up the good work! #GCSD #hardworkpaysoff
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
PHESA faculty and staff with their banner
WMS celebrates their Excellent School Report Card
WHS celebrates their Excellent School Report Card
KES celebrates their Good School Report Card rating
WIS celebrates their Good School Report Card rating
RMS celebrates their improved School Report Card
CBHS celebrates their improvement
PHESA celebrates their School Report Card rating
WMS celebrates their report card rating
KES celebrates their report card rating
Join us for a magical evening at the BEACH Singers Winter Concert! Date: Sunday, December 3 Time: 5:00 PM Venue: Winyah Auditorium Immerse yourself in the spirit of the season as the GCSD BEACH Singers serenade you with a heartwarming selection of winter tunes. Admission is FREE, so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable musical journey. We can't wait to share this special evening with you! #GCSD #HardWorkPaysOff #BEACHSingers #WinyahAuditorium
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
BEACH Singers Winter Concert December 3 at 5pm at Winyah Auditorium
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Sir Richard Steele Howling at the moon, gobbling like turkeys, thinking with a growth mindset – these are a few of the “exercises” students experienced today while reading with Superintendent Keith Price, Deputy Superintendent Dr. Bethany Giles, and Executive Director for Elementary Schools Fedrick Cohens. #GCSDReads #hardworkpaysoff #GCSD
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
Mr. Cohens reads to students at AES.
Mr. Price reads to AES students.
Dr. Giles reads to students at AES.
Mr. Price with AES students.
Mr. Cohens with AES students.
Mr. Price howls with AES students
Mr. Cohens with AES students.
Dr. Giles with AES students.
Dr. Giles with AES students.
It’s American Education Week! This week we recognize and celebrate the contributions of everyone involved in public education. Join us as we highlight GCSD’s team – teachers, support staff, administrators, board members, students, parents, substitute teachers, community partners, and local businesses #GCSD #hardworkpaysoff #AmericanEducationWeek2023 #aew2023
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
American Education Week: November 13-17
American Education Week daily recognitions
GCSD is seeking public input into proposed amendments to our Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding spending plan. We are committed to ensuring that our students, staff, and community members have a voice in shaping the future of our educational initiatives. As part of this commitment, we are asking for public comments on the proposed amendments to our ESSER spending plan. The ESSER funds, provided by the federal government, are designed to support a wide range of activities, including mitigating learning loss, ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff, and addressing other post-pandemic-related needs. We have carefully reviewed our initial ESSER spending plan and identified areas where amendments are necessary to better serve our students and community. The proposed amendments include: - Expanding the current arts integration allocation to include funds for replacement of band instruments - Enhancing after school academic support days to include additional opportunities for students to receive academic assistance - Upgrading existing shared water fountains to bottle filling stations to improve sanitation efforts - Strengthening the GCSD IT department to include additional security measures, printer and printer software upgrades, and hotspots to support increased technology usage and student academics. GCSD believes these amendments will help us adapt and improve the education we provide to our students. However, we value the input of our stakeholders and community members. We invite all community members, parents, students, teachers, and other stakeholders to review the proposed amendments at and provide comments and suggestions. Please submit comments to by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of our school district, and we encourage you to participate in this process. We look forward to hearing from our community and working together to ensure the best possible education for our students.
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
Public Input Needed on Proposed ESSER Amendments
It's School Psychologist Week! 🎉 Let's celebrate the amazing work our school psychologists do in supporting students' mental and emotional well-being. Thank you for making a difference! 💙 #HardWorkPaysOff #SchoolPsychologistWeek #MentalHealthMatters #SupportingStudents
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
School Psychologist Week Thank You
"Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or a duty. It should be offered as a gift." – Kate DiCamillo Today, Superintendent Keith Price and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Bethany Giles shared their love of reading with students at Plantersville Digital Immersion School. Did you by chance hear any students (or maybe Mr. Price) howling at the moon? #GCSDReads #GCSD #hardworkpaysoff
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
PES students and Mr. Price howling at the moon
Dr. Giles visiting with PES students
Mr. Price visiting with PES students
Dr. Giles visiting a classroom at PES
Mr. Price reading to students at PES
Dr. Giles reading to PES students
Mr. Price reading to PES students
Dr. Giles reading to a class at PES
Mr. Price reading to students at PES
For the last four Mondays, the First Tee Program has worked collaboratively with Georgetown County School District to host a school day program for our 4th grade students. This program gives students the opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals of golf as well as core values such as Honesty, Respect, Sportsmanship, Confidence, Leadership, and Responsibility. Pictured are AES and PES students participating in First Tee Program at Cherry Hill Country Club in Andrews, one of the sites for the school day program.
about 1 year ago, Georgetown County School District
AES First Tee students at Cherry Hill Country Club in Andrews
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf
Student learning fundamentals of golf