2023 School Report Cards Released

The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) and the SC Education Oversight Committee (EOC) released the 2023 school, district, and state report cards this morning, providing a rating of Excellent, Good, Average, Below Average, or Unsatisfactory for every school in the state. These ratings reflect data and student performance information from the 2022-23 school year.

In Georgetown County School District (GCSD), 10 of 17 schools earned overall ratings of Excellent, Good, or Average, which are defined as meeting or exceeding the criteria to ensure all students meet the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. The overall ratings for five schools improved from 2022 - Pleasant Hill Elementary, Rosemary Middle, Waccamaw Middle, Carvers Bay High, and Waccamaw High. 

2023 Overall Rating

Number of GCSD Schools







Below Average




Not Rated


The district’s high school graduation rate was 86.5%, a slight decline from 2022, yet still above the state average of 83.8%. Additionally, 64.7% of the 2022-23 graduation cohort were College or Career Ready, a slight increase from 2022.  

“We always await the release of our ratings with great interest,” shared Superintendent Keith Price. “This gives us a chance to celebrate accomplishments as well as identify areas of needed improvement. As we celebrate the gains of our schools, we are especially proud of the five schools with overall improved report card ratings. This shows that GCSD’s strategic work to increase student performance and growth is paying off.”

At all levels, the annual state report card rates Academic Achievement, Preparing for Success, Multilingual Learners’ Progress, and School Climate.  In addition to those five categories, elementary and middle schools are rated on Student Progress, and high schools are rated on Graduation Rate and College & Career Readiness. The purpose of the annual report cards is to inform parents and the community of the performance of the entire district as well as individual schools. Report cards are available on the South Carolina Department of Education website. All schools in GCSD, with the exception of Waccamaw Elementary, will also be posting a link to individual report cards on their school’s website. WES, as a primary school, does not receive a rating.