General Information
Promotion Requirements:
To be classified as a Sophomore, a student must have earned a minimum of 4 credits. Those units must include, 1 unit of English, 1 unit of mathematics, 1 unit of social studies, and at least 1 more unit.
To be classified as a Junior, a student must have earned a minimum of 12 credits. Those units must include 2 units of English, 2 units of mathematics, 1 unit of science, and 1 unit of social studies.
To be classified as a senior, a student must have earned a minimum of sixteen units. Those units must include three units of English, three units of mathematics, two units of social studies (one of which must be United States History), and two units of science.
Click on the links below to access more information
Graduation Requirements
4-Year College Entrance Requirements
Senior Year Timeline
High School Resume Template
Scholarship Websites
What makes a student College and Career Ready?
What Career and Technology (CTE) programs are offered at CBHS?
Financial Aid Workshop Presentation handouts from 10/25/2022.
Paying for College
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Application opens on October 1st and closes on June 30th. Students will need parent's or legal guardian's tax information (2021 Tax Return) Complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA Both the student and the parent will need an FSA ID. This is your electronic signature.
Transfer and Articulation Agreements between 2 year and 4 year colleges and universities. Use this link to see how Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit/PACE classes transfer to the school of your choice in South Carolina.
ACADEMIC COMMON MARKET The Academic Common Market, which is administered by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), allows South Carolina residents who are enrolled in specific programs at out-of-state institutions to be charged only the applicable in-state tuition by the institution in which the student is enrolled.